Tuesday 5 March 2013


Freed black engaged in various entrepreneurial activities of which trade was a significant factor: Moreover  people of African descent with larger economic power owners of private shops. Nevertheless the new status of a free citizen brought new challenges and conditions that a man of color had to face. A freed person of color needed to have a job, was required to pay the tribute was called to serve in the militia to defend the state and was under supervision of the holy office. The Crown raised revenues on free Black population. A decree that compelled former slaves to hire them selves out to and reside with Spanish masters was another way to limit freedom of emancipated blacks, while some did stay with Spanish Masters in order to save money, the large majority successfully defied the rule and began building " Joint Communities" to support each other.

A discrimination policy with big long term implant was exclusion of Blacks and Mulattoes from education, Universities and Schools largely run by the Catholic Church. One thing the White Spanish Peruvian forgot is that African Peruvian arrived with the Conquistadors in 1521 and to return permanently in 1525. One of the biggest import of African slaves occurred between 1529 and 1537 when Francoco Pizaro was granted permits to import 363 slaves to colonial Peru for public construction, buildings, building bridges and road systems.  They also fought alongside the Conquistadors as soldiers and work like personal servants and body guards.

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