Wednesday, 1 May 2013


It seems that history has a funny habit of repeating itself and often reinventing cultural and historical experiences as a new perspective or contribution to modernity. The global history of black people living in western societies, Africa, Caribbean and South America is no exception to the rule.
There is a strong link in the development of mass communication, particularly, growth of the postcard industry between 1870-1940s and the diffusion of negative racist and stereotypes images. These beliefs and attitudes reflected in cards were based by colonial expats based in Africa (teachers, administrators, soldiers, missionaries, entrepreneurs, explorers, and anthropologists) and the legacy of slavery and plantation societies in North America, Caribbean and South America.
Racist assumptions were based on the following beliefs and values about the role of black people from the 18th and 19th Century:
  • Black people were born to be in servitude (curse of Ham in the bible which was adopted to justify slavery on religious grounds);
  • Racial science based evolutionary/eugenics theories (e.g. Darwin) that black people have not achieved full development as human beings and thus low intelligence and but have a capacity for physical labour and child like naivete in making fun entertainment;
  • Enlightenment school of philosophy (e.g.Locke, Hegel) black people have not made any significant contribution to world history and mankind and thus they can only relate to a primitive/savage existence.
The growth and development of the Post Card industry between 1870-1940 laid the modern foundation of promulgation of racist images into popular culture (newspapers and film &television also played an important contribution).
Post cards were the equivalent of the email and the telephone as way of communicating through the generation ideas, thoughts and opinions.
Ephemera is the phrase used by collectors and dealers on items and subject matters on paper e.g. postcards, newspapers, trade/cigarette cards, posters, correspondence, documents, advertisements etc
The concept of the postcard was developed in Germany in the 1860s however; it was not until the 1870s with the introduction of printing technology and the development of postage services that cards were available to the public to use as a form of communication. The growth of the industry was limited by regulations imposed by various countries regarding size of cards and postage rates. Nevertheless, after 1894 in USA and 1902 in UK these restrictions were lifted (a number of European countries were al ready advanced in this field).
The above results laid the foundation of the industry in USA and UK with the tremendous growth of picture postcards manufacturers and publishers almost equivalent to the dotcom expansion in the 1990s.

The industry was open to anyone start a business and used their own images or pictures or commission artist and photographers. In Britain most cards were printed in Germany as the cost were far cheaper for the new market
However, a number of companies dominated the industry with high quality and vast range of images and products: Valentine&Sons, Raphael Tuck&Sons, Detroit publishing,
1909 distributed over 860 million postcards every week in the British postal system. By end of the first world war postcards had achieved the status as a major mass communication vehicle for companies to promote and advertise their products and services; individuals to communicate in a personal way to friends, family and work colleagues locally and around the world (essential in a pre telephone age).

In addition, postcards achieved the status as collector's items where publishers printed millions of cards for individual indulgence and pleasure.
The categories varied in subject matter ranging from actresses, rail disasters, churches, hospital wards, windmills, airships, shop fronts, advertising&propaganda, risque'obscene, topographical.
Novelty cards were also popular publishers used there creative ideas to (nearest comparison is the genre of reality TV programmes such as Big Brother and Survivor) excite and push imaginations of the public to new realms.

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