Sunday 12 October 2014


         BLACK          SOCIAL          HISTORY                                                                                           Ancient Man and His First Civilizations


Ancient Homo-sapien-sapiens (Modern Man), first began to leave Africa at about 60,000 B.C. These Africans had two great migrations East. The "First" (OOA) migration, saw Blacks with straight hair, taking a route along the coast of Asia, and then "Island hopping" across the Indian Ocean to Australia - the Australian Aborigine (see below). And then making their way to South America - the remains called "Luzia" in Brazil.
The second (OOA) migration event, saw Blacks from Africa; some with straight hair and "Mongol features" (see; San people below), take an "Inland route" through southern Asia and on up to China (about 50-45,000 B.C.) where they settled. Included with this group, were straight haired Blacks "without" Mongol features - now called "Dravidians" who stayed close to Africa, and settled in India and other areas of southern Asia (see below).
Also included with this second (OOA) group, were Albinos (Blacks without pigmentation), who were probably motivated by a quest for relief from the heat and burning Sunshine of southern Africa - and relief from the torment heaped upon them by normal Africans. Even today, superstitious Blacks of southern Africa; maim and mutilate Albinos in the ignorant belief that their body parts process magical properties, which they use in rituals.

Australian Aborigine
Dravidian Girl


The San People

(Genetically - the Oldest People in the World).



Of course, the San are not the only Africans with Mongol features, many Africans have Mongol features.


Parameters for the following History.

What we know for sure:

Like the Albino European, the Mulatto and Albino Mongols of today are the "Winners" of ancient "RACE" Wars: (though Race may not have been the primary issue at the time).

And like the European Albino, the Mulatto and Albino Mongols of "North East Asia" are committed to hiding this part of their history. (As a comparison, the people of "South East Asia" openly display lifelike artifacts of the Black people who originally ruled and inhabited their lands). Thus our history of China must necessarily be a fitting together of the few pieces of information that we have.

Note: It is very important to click the Shang map above, to gain perspective for the following history. The map clearly shows that the territory of the Mongol/Chinese/Sinic people, is different from that of the Shang and others. (The words: Sinic/Sino/Mongol/Han: all relate to what we call Chinese people today).


We realize that the concept of the White race originating from Albinos is difficult to comprehend; especially considering the amount of misinformation Whites have created in order to hide that fact. In order to help persons visualize that fact, please note the following graphics.

These are the "Original" People of India - The "Dravidians".

These are the "Albinos" of the "Original" People of India - The "Dravidians".



Of course, Dravidians are not the only Black People who can produce European type offspring.ANY Black couple with "Straightish" type hair and defective OCA2 genes, will produce offspring that is "Identical" to - and in fact is - a European type offspring.

Careful note should be made here, that "Sometimes" Albinism causes straightening of the Hair!


Confirmation that the White (Caucasian) Race is derived from Dravidian Albinos, is documented in the findings from genetic analysis of Y-DNA haplogroup "R".


Haplogroup R (Y-DNA)In human genetics, Haplogroup R is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup, a subgroup of haplogroup P, defined by the M207 mutation.
This haplogroup is believed to have arisen around 26,800 years ago, somewhere in Central Asia or South Asia, where its ancestor Haplogroup P is most often found at polymorphic frequencies. Cambridge University geneticist Kivisild et al. (2003) suggests that southern and western Asia might be the source of this haplogroup:
Given the geographic spread and STR diversities of sister clades R1 and R2, the latter of which is restricted to India, Pakistan, Iran, and southern central Asia, it is possible that southern and western Asia were the source for R1 and R1a differentiation.
The R haplogroup is common throughout Europe and western Asia and the Indian sub-continent, and in those whose ancestry is from within these regions. It also occurs in North and Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Albino pictures above, are taken from the study by Andreas Deffner titled: White, too white A Portrait of Albinism in India.


These Albinos continued on to Central Asia, where they settled, one of their tribes was the Zhou. It seems logical to assume that over the many thousands of years that it took for these migrants to reach northern Asia, that there would have been some interbreeding between the various Black tribes and the Albinos; which probably allowed the Albinos to gain some fixed degree of pigmentation. Proof of this admixture, is in the fact that Whites and Mongols (Chinese), both share the same founding Y-DNA haplogroup "K". Which seems to have evolved during their migration to northern Asia, but while they were still in Southern Asia. Haplogroup "K" is not found in Africa - of course the founding haplogroup of "K" is found in Africa. Further proof of White and Black Mongol admixture, is with the "Tarim mummies" which are a series of mummies (dating from 1,800 B.C.) discovered in the Tarim Basin in present-day Xinjiang, which is on the Chinese border with Central Asia, in northwest China. The oldest mummies are White people, but later, at about 1,100 B.C, they become "mixed-race".

Tarim Mummy

Click here for the History of Whites in Asia<<CLICK>>

Note: Use of the term "Albino" is not intended to demean or humiliate. Please Click here for an explanation of its use.

In Asia, one group similar to the Khoisan are represented by Y-DNA haplogroup "D" (In Africa, the "pure" Khoisan are known to be the worlds oldest humans - they areY-DNA haplogroup "A"). Y-DNA haplogroup "D" is found at high frequency among populations in Japan, Tibet, and the Andaman Islands (in the Indian Ocean) - and at moderate frequency in Han Chinese ( the Han Chinese constitute 92 percent of China's population). This of course proves, that as would be expected, the "D" people, crossbred with everyone else. This group, now known as the Jomon, eventually migrated to Japan at about 35,000 B.C. They lived there undisturbed for thousands of years.

Haplogroup D (Y-DNA)

The Ainu people of Japan is notable for possessing almost exclusively Haplogroup D chromosomes In human genetics, Haplogroup D (M174) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.D is believed to have originated in Africa some 50,000 years before present. Along with haplogroup E, D contains the distinctive YAP polymorphism, which indicates their common ancestry. Both D and E also contain the M168 change, which is present in all Y-chromosome haplogroups except A and B. Like haplogroup C, D is believed to represent a great coastal migration along southern Asia, from Arabia to Southeast Asia and thence northward to populate East Asia.
It is found today at high frequency among populations in Tibet, the Japanese archipelago, and the Andaman Islands, though curiously not in India. The Ainu of Japan and the Jarawa and Onge of the Andaman Islands are notable for possessing almost exclusively Haplogroup D chromosomes, although Haplogroup C chromosomes also occur among the Ainu at a frequency of approximately 10%, similar to the Japanese. Haplogroup D chromosomes are also found at low to moderate frequencies among all the populations of Central and Northeast Asia as well as the Han and Miao-Yao peoples of China and among several minority populations of Yunnan that speak Tibeto-Burman languages and reside in close proximity to the Tibetans. Unlike haplogroup C, it did not travel from Asia to the New World.
Geographic differentiation Haplogroup D is also remarkable for its rather extreme geographic differentiation, with a distinct subset of Haplogroup D chromosomes being found exclusively in each of the populations that contains a large percentage of individuals whose Y-chromosomes belong to Haplogroup D: Haplogroup D1 among the Tibetans (as well as among the mainland East Asian populations that display very low frequencies of Haplogroup D Y-chromosomes), Haplogroup D2 among the various populations of the Japanese Archipelago, Haplogroup D3 among the inhabitants of Tajikistan and other parts of mountainous southern Central Asia, and Haplogroup D* (probably another monophyletic branch of Haplogroup D) among the Andaman Islanders.
Another type (or types) of Haplogroup D* is found at a very low frequency among the Turkic and Mongolic populations of Central Asia. This apparently ancient diversification of Haplogroup D suggests that it may perhaps be better characterized as a "super-haplogroup" or "macro-haplogroup."
The Haplogroup D Y-chromosomes that are found among populations of the Japanese Archipelago are particularly distinctive, bearing a complex of at least five individual mutations along an internal branch of the Haplogroup D phylogeny, thus distinguishing them clearly from the Haplogroup D chromosomes that are found among the Tibetans and Andaman Islanders and providing evidence that Y-chromosome Haplogroup D2 was the modal haplogroup in the ancestral population that developed the prehistoric Jomon culture in the Japanese islands.

A pause to look across the Korea Strait, which connects China via the Korean peninsula to the southwestern Japanese islands of Kyūshū and Honshū. The Korea Strait is about 120 miles wide and averages about 300 ft. deep. It is dotted with many Islands, thus making Island hopping, relatively easy.
At about 35,000 B.C. a group of these African Chinese; later known to us as the Jomon, took this route and entered Japan, they became the first Humans to inhabit the Japanese Islands. Later, another group; Known to us as the Ainu, followed.
Although we do not have "Ancient life-like" depictions of the Jomon and Ainu, we do have pictures of members of their former migratory group - their genetic cousins, the Andaman Islanders of the Indian Ocean, (Just off the coast of Burma and Thailand). Oddly Indians were Not part of this group. Today, their genes can still be found in 40% of modern Japanese, as well as Mongolians and Tibetans. Genetic testing, specific to Xia, Shang and Olmec, as far as we know, has not yet been done.

Conquest of the Black Shang

Like the other peoples of the great Eurasian plains, the (presumed) White Zhou were a nomadic tribe, they lived to the west of the Shang kingdom. Due to their nomadic ways, they learned how to work with people of different races and cultures. After a time, they settled in the Wei River valley, where they became vassals of the Shang. The Zhou eventually became stronger than the Shang, and in about 1040 B.C, they defeated the Shang in war. Part of their success apparently came about because of their ability to gain the allegiance of disaffected Shang city-states. The Shang had also been weakened by constant warfare with an unknown people to the north. After their victory, the Zhou built their capital in Xi'an.

Quote: "The Shang had also been weakened by constant warfare with an unknown people to the north".
From the quote above, the natural question to ask is; were those unknown people, the African Grimaldi, who we know inhabited the area north of what is now Mongolia, (mal'ta Siberia).
The answer is, we don't know. So far, material has not become available which would allow speculation, one way or the other. We must be mindful that the Chinese government does not disseminate information of this kind. And that they, like their European counterparts, are not anxious to acknowledge the part played by Africans in their development and history.

Traditional Chinese history says that the Zhou were able to defeat the Shang, because the Shang had degenerated morally. Part of this belief may have been propagandized by the Zhou themselves, they were proponents of the Mandate of Heaven. The Zhou used this idea to validate their takeover and subsequent ruling of the former Shang kingdom. The Mandate of Heaven says that Heaven places the mandate to rule, on any family, that is morally worthy of the responsibility. And the only way to know if the Mandate of Heaven has been removed from the ruling family, is if they are overthrown. So if the ruler is overthrown, then the victors had the Mandate of Heaven. In other words, if you win, then god must be on your side, and wanted it that way; perfect victors logic.

Ancient Chinese skin colors

The oldest life-like depictions of the "non-Shang" ancient Chinese that we have, is the Terracotta Army of the Qin Dynasty (221 - 206 B.C.), see below. The Terracotta Army is the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang, the First Qin Dynasty Emperor. The terracotta figures, dating from 210 B.C, were discovered in 1974 by some local farmers near Xi'an, Shaanxi province China, near the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, (Xi'an was also the home of the first Zhou kings).
From these statues - which originally were painted with natural skin tones (mostly Black), but which are now faded and peeling. We can clearly see the skin colors and phenotypes of the ancient Chinese people, which is quite different from the Chinese people of today. Which is strange, because after so many thousands of years of Blacks and Whites co-existing in the same region (Central Asia/East asia), there should NOT have been such a clear distinction between Blacks and non-Blacks) at such a late date, (they should have looked more like the Mulattoes of today). Even though the Tarim mummy above, is clearly not an Albino, it does not show much admixture either. It is very unusual for humans to co-exist together in the same region, and not cross-breed to any appreciable degree for such a long period of time. This indicates that in the earliest years of Mans habitation in Central and East Asia, there were impediments to Blacks and Albinos intermingling. The catalyst for ending this separation was obviously the defeat of the Black Shang by the (we assume) "White" Zhou.

Qin Dynasty Terracotta Soldiers

Though there was some diversity in ancient Chinese phenotype, the Qin Army clearly shows us that in general, the ancient Chinese were Black/dark skinned people with extreme "Mongol" facial features, very much like the Himba woman above.

Click here for more pictures of the Terracotta Soldiers <<<CLICK>>>

The fact that there WAS some impediment to cross-breeding prior to the Zhou's defeat of the Shang in 1040 B.C, is demonstrated by the evidence of rapid crossbreeding since that defeat. After the first perhaps 45,000 years of regional coexistence, there was still a clear distinction between Black and non-Black Chinese. But in the just 3,000 years since the Zhou victory in 1040 B.C, the Chinese have become an almost "Homogenous" people, with relatively little difference in skin color. (Not withstanding the fact that as late as the 13th century A.D, there were still many "Pure Black" Mongol tribes in existence - see Huns and Silk Scrolls below). It goes without saying that these modern Black and Brown Chinese are certainly not the majority.

Modern Chinese

But even more amazing, when we compare Qin Soldiers with "Modern" Chinese (see pictures above and below), we can clearly see that modern Chinese have much, much, more "Caucasian" features, than ancient Chinese did. This tells us that modern Chinese are NOT solely the Mulattoes of "Mongol" Albinos: rather, they are in great part, the Mulattoes of their next-door neighbors in Central Asia, the Dravidian Albinos who later became Europeans. (Note the faces in the following Chinese crowd photos - they are not even close to the extreme Mongol features of the Qin Chinese.

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