Monday 3 November 2014


      BLACK               SOCIAL               HISTORY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Apartheid has found a new home in the Cayman Islands

An article on the subject of apartheid was written in CNS some weeks ago. Those who denied gangs in the schools years ago,had a rebuttal that there's no apartheid in Cayman. People in the Cayman Islands,Caymanians and Xpats alike have adapted the practice of outright lying and denying the truth about many issues facing people in these islands.In South Africa a hand full of whites told the black Africans that they would not be paid the same salary as the white man and also could not hold high positions as the white man in South Africa.
Apartheid which means apartness or separation or segregation, started in l948 in South Africa as a political movement of the National Party. The goal was to separate the races allowing the white people to progress and be successful controlling the financial industry, the high paying jobs, living in luxury high rise condos, driving nice cars and the black Africans were made to suffer and remain poor and struggling for survival being treated inferior by the government and the white supremacists. This involved a small minority of white people ruling over a majority of black natives to whom the country belonged. The indigenous, the grassroots natives were totally pushed out of society by the bull doozers of an apartheid government who promoted prosperity for a select few, the whites.
That practice was apartheid then and it is still apartheid now that Mandella has set the country free.
Apartheid seem to have found a new home in the Cayman Islands.The government is pandering to collecting work permit fees to fill the public coffers. Foreign workers are preferred filling positions Caymanians are duly qualified to fill. The door is closed in the faces of our people, and open to every foreigner that knocks on the door. Foreigners now have the key to the country wherein Caymaninas are kicked backwards towards the ocean and are now without a doubt Indians on a reservation
Those of you who are jobless and in a hopeless situation Can we just simply tell the truth that apartheid is now widely practiced in Cayman and people need to stop lying, living in denial, and face the truth so we can expose the prejudices and get rid of it out of our society. Don't you think its time to carefully screen those who come among us on work permits? People from the US from Southern prejudiced states like Missippi and Alabams, some from south Africa. How many people from these jurisdictions are here? I can assure you, they have not changed their ways, they smply changed locations. But the prejudices still remain and have doubled since we have no laws to protect us from them.

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