Tuesday 11 November 2014


 BLACK              SOCIAL           HISTORY                                                                                        

National Black Chamber of Commerce

The National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) was incorporated as The National Black Chamber of Commerce, Inc., in 1993. It is a nonprofitnonpartisannonsectarian organization dedicated to the economic empowerment of African American communities. Additionally, the organization indicates that it represents the views of its members regarding economic and political policy issues; domestically and internationally. It is organized as a 501(c) corporation and has at least 190 chapters within the United States. The NBCC also has international chapters in the BahamasBrazilColombiaGhana and Jamaica.[1] As with all Chambers of Commerce, affiliate branches are committed to carrying out the goals of the main Chamber within their areas.
The NBCC is a very young national organization when compared to others such as the NAACP and CORE. It is also the first major African American organization to focus on economic empowerment. The NBCC was founded by Harry Alford, who serves as the first President and CEO. He also is a Board member of the United States Chamber of Commerce.[2] In an interview reported in Human Events, Mr. Alford identifies with the Booker T. Washington approach to African American self empowerment and sees the approach of W.E.B. Du Bois and the NAACP (whom he calls enemies of Washington) as primarily political.[3]

Mission and strategic goals

The stated mission of the NBCC is to "economically empower and sustain African American communities through entrepreneurship and capitalistic activity within the United States and via interaction with the Black Diaspora".[4]
The NBCC works to fulfill its mission by implementing the following goals:

Business development

The NBCC reaches 100,000 Black owned businesses. There are 1 million Black owned businesses in the United States. Black businesses account for over $100 billion in annual sales. African Americans have over $800 billion in expendable income each year according to the US Bureau of Census.


Those in this list have sponsored the NBCC and/or its events in the past, and may continue to do so.

Education, training, and technical support

Positions on legislation

The NBCC takes positions on federal and state legislation that may affect its goals.
  • In testimony submitted to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions regarding Senate Bill S.625, the NBCC stated that it opposes increased the U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation of tobacco. The reason for its opposition is that the regulation would impose fees affecting small tobacco retailing and distribution businesses in the U.S., many of which are owned by Black Americans.[9] The statement contained no reference to health risks associated with using tobacco products.
  • In public comments regarding the Microsoft antitrust case, the NBCC along with the Telecommunications Research and Action Center and the National Native AmericanChamber of Commerce indicated that the case settlement was inadequate in terms of consumer protection and that additional remedies were required.[10]


  • Board of Directors - The Board consists of no more than 18 Directors at any given time. It develops, implements and supervises the policies of the Chamber and elects all officers.
  • Officers - The Chamber officers are elected from among the Board, and consist of the Chairman of the Board, President/CEO, Secretary, Treasurer, one or more Vice Presidents and other officers as determined by the Board.
  • Members - Local member and student member chapters; and individuals, businesses and organizations that prefer direct membership to the National Chamber.

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