Monday 15 December 2014


 BLACK           SOCIAL            HISTORY                                                                                                                                                German far-right threatens Afro-German politician

Zeca Schall is a black immigrant politician in Chancellor Angela Merkel's party (CDU). He is running a election campaign for the state elections due in September. Lately he has been harassed with racism and been told to leave the country. The NPD (National Democratic Party) described him as CDU’s ‘token nigger’.

Despite suffering hostility and racial abuse from far-right opponents he decided to keep on going. He has expressed some fear but he sees the far-right campaign against him as just electioneering.

Zeca Schall, immigrated from Angola in 1988, and has been living for more than 20 years in Thüringen/Thuringia, and former part of East-Germany. He is featured on campaign posters for Merkel's Christian Democratic Union.

The far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) has damaged posters with racist statements and branded a big poster stating 'Have a good trip home Zeca Schall'.
In the meantime Schall is receiving police protection in his hometown of Hildburghausen. Members of far-right movements tried to approach his house but were turned away by the police. The Christian Democrats say they want an investigation to stop extremists for inciting hatred.

Yesterday the public prosecutor announced having launched an investigation into NPD’s actions, on suspicion of racial hatred, defamation and attempted coercion.
Schall is responsible for issues of integration -- that is, issues involving immigration and multi-culturalism -- for the CDU in Thuringia.

In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, Schall spoke of his shock at the incident and described it as an attack on German democracy.

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