Thursday 11 December 2014


Slavery and th

e Expansion of Slavery

Maya Saba, 


  1. Slavery in the Antebellum Era
  2. Slavery had a huge impact on Southern culture and economy during the Antebellum Era. Owning slaves was a way to show your wealth and social status in Colonial times. Slaves were treated as the property of the people who bought them. They were bought, sold, and traded like they weren’t real human beings; often times slaves were separated from their families.

  3. The use of slaves to harvest crops, such as cotton, was very popular in the South. Plantation owners and farmers profited greatly from slaves, as they payed slaves little to nothing. But as industries and cities began to grow in the North, slavery slowed the development of industry in the South. The slow growth of industries caused a negative impact on the Southern economy. It caused there to be a lack of technological innovation.

  4. As factories became more prevalent in the North, slavery set the South behind from an industry standpoint. Most plantation owners were fine with their current form of income. They were making money, and hardly doing any work themselves. They didn’t want to learn about new technological innovation.

    The masters of the slaves were legally allowed to treated the slaves however they wanted. Which meant they were yelled at, whipped, and, hit. Slaves endured daily torture and beatings. On top of the daily beatings, women slaves were often raped by their masters. The “relationships” between the slave women and the masters would often cause conflict and tension between the slave women and the master’s wife. 
  5. The working conditions for the slaves were horrible on plantations. The male slaves were often relied on to do the field work. They would pick cotton, and harvest other crops. There would be overseers on horseback supervising the slaves to make sure they were working fast enough. If any of them slowed down, they would get whipped by the overseer. Children and female slaves were domestic servants. They usually worked in the master's home as cooks and housemaids. 
  6. To have some sense of humanity, black slaves would often form families with other slaves and have children. It gave them community, love, and some hope. However when enslaved women were sexually assulted by their masters, there was nothing that their husbands could do. There was no protection for slave families. At any moment, one of them could be sould to a new slave owner, and be seperated from their family forever. 
  7. How Slavery Affects American Society Today
  8. Unfortunately, slavery played a big role in America’s history and it influences our society today. When Africans were brought to America as slaves, they brought their African culture here too. Their culture still influences society today in food, music, and traditions. It also influenced a lot of racism that is present in our society today.

    Slavery left a horrible legacy on America. Everyday, African Americans and other minorities are victim to racism. This racism towards black people stems all the way back to slavery. And some very close-minded people today still believe that black people are inferior to white people.

    Politics is a good example of the segregation that African Americans face. Other than President Obama, there are a very few number of African Americans involved in political or economical processes in America. The majority of the government is white men, and a fraction of the government actually includes African Americans. 
  9. A lot of young African Americans boys are associated with crime in our society. For example, in Ferguson Missouri, a young boy named Michael Brown was shot by the police. He was allegedly innocent, and his lawyers claims that he was putting his hands in the air when he got shot, based on the autopsy. But the Ferguson police have a different story. They believe that he was charging at the police officer when the officer shot him. Either way the young boy shouldn’t have been shot. The police force in Ferguson is mainly white people, with only two African Americans in the department. This isn’t the first time that an innocent African American man was shot, it happened a couple years before to Trayvon Martin, and no justice was brought to the killer. He was pronounces innocent, and no files were charged to the killer

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