Wednesday 1 April 2015


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Sierra Leone’s Colonel John E. Milton wins Nigeria’s Defense College Best Foreign Student Award

Sierra Leone’s only participant (Colonel John Edison Milton) at this year’ Nigeria’s National Defense College Course nineteen (19) has performed exemplarily during the One year intensive Military, Strategic and Policy training by not only attaining the 17th position out of one hundred and twenty eight, but also trounced all the foreign senior officers(international participants) from Ghana, Namibia, Niger Republic, Gabon, Benin Republic, Uganda, Kenya, Cameroon, Congo, Lesotho, Burkina Faso, Mali, and won the best Foreign Participant Award("Nigeria’s Vice President Award").

Sierra Leone Army - Colonel John Edison Milton won the best foreign Participant Award by not only breaking the record of the last winner, Brigadier General Mondeh, but also set a new mode for any potential winner.

Colonel John Milton Receiving Fellow of the Defense College award (FDC) from Nigeria's Vice President H.E. Mohammed Namadi Sambo

The National Defense College Course Nineteen (19) saw One Hundred and twenty Eight (128) Senior Military Officers from thirteen African Countries including Sierra Leone.

They graduated on Friday 5th August 2011from the Nigeria’s National Defense College and are awarded the fellow of the NDC (fdc).

According to Commandant Rear Admiral T. J. Lokoson DSS psc fwc (+)Msc MNSE, the National Defense College, Course 19 participants were made up of thirty Six Officers from the Nigerian Army, thirty six officers from Nigerian Navy, thirty Six officers from Nigeria’s Air force, Nigeria Police, Civilians and thirteen International Participants.

The illustrious Colonel John Milton stands with Rtd. Major-General Sam Mboma, Robert Yira Koroma, 1st Secretary Rakie Macarthy, Head of Chancery Duwai S. Lungay Other Foregn Participants @ the rear

"The Course was inaugurated on 15th September 2010 with one hundred and twenty nine participants. Sadly, Colonel B.O Runsewe of the Nigerian Army passed on, during the Course.

"This brings the toll to one thousand, three hundred and thirty nine (1339) graduates (Five Hundred and Eighty Two (582) Nigeria Army Officers, Two Hundred and Eighteen Nigerian (218) Navy Officers, Two hundred and sixty (260) Nigeria Air force Officers, Fifty Three (53) Nigeria Police Officers, Ninety Eight (98) Federal Agencies Senior Staff (Civilians) and One hundred and twenty Eight (128) Senior Military Officers from allied Countries)". Said Rear Admiral T. J. Lokoson DSS psc fwc (+) Msc MNSE.

The National War College was conceptualized in 1983 and established on 16 June 1992 with the assistance of a British Training Team. In recognition of a growing need for such high level training, efforts were made by the then Chief of Army Staff Lt. General I.M Wusheshi to establish an institute of Defense studies for the Nigerian Army.

A British Colonel Congratulating Sierra Leone's Colonel John E. Milton

On 18th September 1995, the Nigeria War College Course 4 was inaugurated by the late President Sani Abacha. As a foremost National security institution, the College, later renamed National Defense College played and continues to play important roles in national security issues and professional development of strategic leaders required for the Armed Forces and Civil service who support the political leadership in the socio political and economic development of the Country.

The change of name also saw two additional faculties (Faculty of Higher Defense and Strategic Studies for Strategic level training, and the Faculty of Joint War studies for operational level training, bridging the gap between tactical and strategic levels training.

According to Commandant of the National defense College, participants received series of lectures on a wide variety of subjects including Concepts and Elements of Strategy National Defense Capability, Military Strategies, Peace Support Operations, Technology and Warfare, Defense Policy Development, The Art of Command, Military Aid to Civil Authority and Military Aid to Civil Power, Crisis Management, joint Operations and Logistics at the Operational level and Geo Strategic Studies.

According to the Commandant, resource persons were drawn from Universities, research institutions, International organizations, industries, government establishments as well as from the pool of serving and retired officers of the Armed Forces.

He said the Course also undertook geo-strategic study tours of selected civil and military establishments within the Country.

Participants undertook geo strategic study tour of some states in Nigeria and selected Countries in Africa including Sierra Leone, Europe and South America as well as Asia.

Participants visited nine Strategic Installations in Nigeria including Nigeria’s Institute for Oil Palm Research, Benin, Okomu Oil Company Ltd. Benin, Defense Industries Corporation of Nigeria, Kaduna, Peugeot Iron and Steel Company Ajaokuta, Dangote Cement Factory Obajana, Eleganza Industries Ltd. Lagos,Etisalat Telecoms Ltd. Lagos, Power Distribution Company Ltd.Jos,Nigerian Electricity Supply Company Bukuru, Jos.

They also visited Four Military Establishments including Headquarter 82 Division Nigeria Army Enugu, Headquarter Eastern Naval Command Nigeria Navy Calabar and Zone 6 Police Command Nigeria Police Force Calabar.

They visited nine States in Nigeria and eighteen Countries including Sierra Leone, Argentina, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Canada, Chile, India, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Mali, Mexico, South Korea, Switzerland, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Tanzania.

Present at the Award ceremony was Sierra Leone’s Chief of Defense Staff, Major General Robert Yira Koroma.

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