Tuesday 14 May 2013


One can sum up the feeling about the transatlantic slavery by saying that the men involved in it had committed the crime of  " l'ese-Afrique. That crime was deadly for the future, although it fathered the Industrial Revolution in Europe and made the United States the richest nation in the world, it also spawned the color prejudice and racialism which lie like heavy shadows over the world today.
The intimidate impact of the slave trade on the Negroes of Guinea, its later consequences still torment Africa. The present artificial map of the continent and the colonialism which produced it were both bred by the slave trade. For spheres of interest and then colonies developed from the fortified trading stations which were scattered along the coast, since groups of Negroes set up towns beside them, identified their interests with those of their white neighbors and sought their protection.

Today we have African Americans, Africans, Caribbean Blacks, South and Central American Blacks, and down under they have Aborigines  in Australia, a term that is not endearing to Black  and Native Australian. Why they use it to undermine the Black People of Australia is relevant to how and why we use to have Cape Colored in South Africa and the Blacks as Natives in South Africa.Why White Australia has insisted in calling Native or Black Australian Aborigines which is seen and used in a Negative manner in Europe, by White People and some Black People to abuse, undermine other Blacks and the word has the most Negative meaning for Black People. On this Planet today, only one country has steadfastly stuck to calling his original owner of the land that was stolen from them Aborigines, its has the same effects as the word " Nigger" for Black People In America or Europe.

Its the Duty of the Rulers in the Country ie the White Government of Australia to pass an Act Of Parliament to call the Black People of Australia  - Native Australian, Black Australian and condemn this Very Insulting Word into History _ The Hated Word " Aborigines"  a deliberate put down of the Black People Of Australia, is it an act of concile Racism, my answer is Yes !  It was the put down of Black People In America and Europe of calling Black People " Nigger "  in the Slave Trade Days and right up today and Australia

can set a new example by counter signing this God Dam Insulting word to a Dust cart or a grave of history and Australia can join the civilized world of not oppressing Black and Native Australian. I Rest My Case>

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