Tuesday 9 September 2014


                                                    BLACK                SOCIAL             HISTORY                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pedro Augusto Carneiro Lessa ( Serro , September 25 of 1859 - Rio de Janeiro , July 25 of 1921 ) was a lawyer , judge , politician and teacher Brazilian .


Son of Colonel José Pedro Lessa Lamb and Frances Amelia Lessa, was nephew of poet Aureliano Lessa . Having completed his primary and secondary education in the province of Minas Gerais, went in 1876 to São Paulo , where he enrolled in the Faculty of Law of the Largo São Francisco . He graduated in 1883, alongside the likes that would stand out like those of the David Camper , Bueno de Paiva , Martim Francisco Sobrinho and Júlio de Mesquita .
In 1885, Pedro Lessa began a fruitful public career, with the appointment to the post of Secretary of the ratio of. Two years later, in 1887, achieved first place in competition for teaching in the Law School of São Paulo . Without having obtained the appointment, in 1888 returned to provide competition, obtaining again the first place, and then being appointed as a full professor.
Was appointed chief of police of the state of São Paulo and elected to the Constituent Assembly of São Paulo in 1891, having taken part in the work of drafting the state constitution.
A few years later withdrew from public life to devote himself exclusively to teaching and advocacy. However, in October 1907 he was appointed Minister of the Federal Supreme Court , upon the retirement of Lúcio de Mendonça . Pedro Lessa was a mulatto and was the first african descent to be minister of STF (the second was Hermenegildo Rodrigues de Barros ), several decades before the current Minister Joaquim Barbosa . 1
As minister of the STF was responsible for the expansion of the Institute of " habeas corpus "cases not provided for in the Brazilian Constitution of 1891 .
Elected on May 7, 1910 to the chair of the 11 Brazilian Academy of Letters , succeeding Lúcio de Mendonça, was received on September 6 of the same year by the academic Clovis Bevilaqua . Received, in turn, academic Alfredo Pujol .
He was an active member of the League of National Defense , which was one of the founders, on 7 September 1916 belonged to several cultural institutions, including the Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute .


  • 1899 - Interpretation of Arts. 23, 34, 63 and 65 of the Federal Constitution ;
  • 1900 - It's a science story? - Introduction to the History of Civilization Buckle (test);
  • 1909 - Dissertations and controversial - Legal Studies ;
  • 1912 - Studies in Philosophy of Law ;
  • 1915 - The psychic determinism and the liability and criminal liability ;
  • 1915 - The Judicial Branch ;
  • 1916 - Speeches and conferences .

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In the city of Rio de Janeiro there is a street in the city center that honors, as well as a municipal school, in the neighborhood Bonsucesso , MS Pedro Lessa.
In Santos , the state of São Paulo , there is an avenue with his name.
In the city of São Paulo, at Av. Paulista, there is a forum Minister Pedro Lessa. As is also honored with his name given to a room of the Faculty of Law, University of São Paulo, where he studied.

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