Sunday 5 May 2013



This is one of the lowest Point in my Life, the day this young black school boy was murdered by Racist thugs that happen to live in Liverpool. This Racism has not stop, gone away, still active by born racist within the city limits, in the work place, the street, houses, local government, private companies, banks, building societies, super markets, and every aspect of the city life. When people will change and stop been racist and stop racism is going to be ten life times battle to up turn the attitude of a deep engrained Racism.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Anthony   Walker 21 February 1987 – 30 July 2005 was a black British student of African descent from Huyton, Liverpool, England, who was murdered with an ice axe by Michael Barton and his cousin Paul Taylor, in an unprovoked racist attack. Walker was eighteen years old and was in his second year of A-levels. He lived with his mother Gee Walker, his father Steve Walker, his two sisters and one brother.

Before the assault, a hooded man in his late teens deliberately frightened and intimidated Walker using racist abuse at a bus stop outside the Huyton Park pub where Walker was waiting for a bus with his girlfriend Louise Thompson and his cousin Marcus Binns. Louise and Marcus ran to get help, and returned to find Anthony nearly dead and bleeding profusely with an axe embedded in his head. He was taken to a hospital but did not regain consciousness and died six hours later. The court heard that Walker died as a result of an ice axe being swung "at him with such force that its end smashed through his skull and was embedded in his brain". After the killing, Paul Taylor and Michael Barton (half brother to Premiership footballer Joey Barton) changed their clothes and fled to Amsterdam. They were arrested upon their return to Liverpool John Lennon Airport after their families were informed that they were the main suspects in the attack.

Michael Barton and his cousin Paul Taylor were sent for trial at Preston Crown Court. Taylor pleaded guilty to murder and Barton, who denied the same charge, was convicted of the killing on the grounds he supplied the weapon and started the confrontation.
On 30 November 2005, Taylor and Barton were found guilty of the racially motivated murder of Walker. They were sentenced the following day.
Following the trial judge Mr Justice Leveson's recommendation of a minimum sentence, Taylor, who had delivered the fatal blow, received a minimum of 23 years and 8 months in prison; while Barton, who had supplied the axe, received a minimum of 17 years and 8 months.
Taylor is expected to remain in prison until at least August 2028 and the age of 43. Barton is expected to remain behind bars until at least August 2023 and the age of 35.
Passing sentence, Mr. Justice Leveson said that the cousins had perpetrated a "terrifying ambush" and a "racist attack of a type poisonous to any civilised society".

In April 2006 it was reported that Barton had been attacked by fellow inmates at Moorland Closed Prison near Doncaster, South Yorkshire.
Three other people were later found guilty of helping Barton and Taylor flee to the Netherlands before their eventual arrest. On 10 May 2006 Robert Williams was convicted of providing money and booking a hotel room for the pair. He was sentenced to two years and four months. Paul Morson was sentenced to 11 months in prison for providing a getaway car. Tracy Garner admitted assisting an offender and received an 11-month suspended sentence and 50 hours of community service.
Although they drew frequent comparisons, many denied that there were similarities between Walker's killing and that of Stephen Lawrence in 1993. One such critic was Labour MP Edward O'Hara, who stated that, although there was a "certain surface comparison", Walker's killing was "random, exceptional and representative of absolutely nothing".
Walker's mother explained her attitude towards her son's killers, saying "I have to forgive them. I can't feel anger and hatred, because that is what killed my son". However, Walker's girlfriend Louise, who was present on the night of his murder, said she never would forgive them adding, "I hate them for what they have done. Anthony and I shared something special. Now he has been taken away from me by those two evil young men. I still feel that he (Anthony Walker) is around. Yesterday, I sent Anthony a text and just told him he (Barton) had been found guilty. It seemed the natural thing to do."

On 2 April 2008, the Crown Prosecution Service announced a legal scholarship in Walker's memory. The scheme will offer one place in CPS Merseyside to a trainee solicitor who wants to become a fully fledged solicitor or barrister. It is open to any black or ethnic minority person who has secured or intends to apply for a place to study the LPC or BPTC full-time.

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