Friday 5 December 2014


  BLACK        SOCIAL         HISTORY                                                                                                                                                                                          

Charles Henry Langston

Charles Henry Langston
Louisa County, Virginia
DiedDecember 0, 1892 (aged 75)
Lawrence, Kansas
EducationOberlin College
Known forOberlin-Wellington Rescue
Spouse(s)Mary Patterson
ChildrenNathaniel Turner Langston, Caroline Mercer Langston, Dessalines Langston (foster child)
Charles Henry Langston (1817–1892), was an American abolitionist and political activist born free in Louisa County, Virginia, the son of a wealthy planter who provided for his education and ensured he and his brothers inherited his estate. In 1835 he and his brother Gideon were the first African Americans to attend Oberlin College in Ohio.
In 1858, he was tried with a white colleague for the Oberlin-Wellington Rescue, a cause célèbre in Ohio that was a catalyst for abolition. That year Langston helped found the Ohio Anti-Slavery Society and, with his younger brother John as president, led it as executive secretary. Langston worked for 30 years for equal rights, suffrage and education in Ohio and Kansas. After the American Civil War, he was appointed as general superintendent of refugees and freedmen for the Freedmen's Bureau in Kansas. In 1872 he was an early principal of the Quindaro Freedman's School (later Western University), the first black college west of the Mississippi River.
He was an older brother of John Mercer Langston, an accomplished attorney and activist, who had numerous appointed posts, and in 1888 was the first black person elected to the United States Congress from Virginia (and the last for nearly a century). He was the grandfather of renowned poet Langston Hughes.

Early life and education

Langston was born free in 1817 in Louisa County, Virginia, the second of three sons and a daughter born to Lucy Jane Langston, a freedwoman of mixed African-American andNative American descent, and Ralph Quarles, a wealthy white plantation owner of English descent.[fn 1] Quarles freed Lucy and their daughter Maria in 1806, in the course of what was a relationship of more than 25 years. (Interracial marriage was illegal at the time.) Quarles also made provisions for his "natural" (illegitimate) children to inherit his substantial fortune after his death.[2]
Lucy had three other children with another partner before she moved into the Great House and deepened her relationship with Quarles. Their three sons were born after that. Of the half-siblings, William Langston was the closest to the Quarles' sons.[2]
Before his death, Ralph Quarles arranged for his Quaker friend William Gooch to be made guardian of his children. As requested by Quarles, after the parents both died in 1833 when John Langston was four, Gooch moved with the boys and their half-brother William Langston to Chillicothe, Ohio, in a free state.[3] Their father had left his natural sons substantial inheritances that allowed them to gain education and as adults work for political reform. The oldest brother, Gideon Quarles, looked so much like his father that he took his surname at 21.[2]
In 1835 the older brothers Gideon and Charles started at the preparatory school at Oberlin College, where they were the first black students to be admitted. Charles Langston graduated from Oberlin College.[4] Their younger brother John Langston also graduated from there.



Langston quickly became involved in black political affairs in Ohio, where Oberlin was the center of a strong abolitionist movement and a station on the Underground Railroad. He started working for suffrage and equal rights for blacks. Not only was he active, but Langston introduced his younger brother John to his political circles. He helped the young man be admitted to a state convention in 1850, when he was only 20. It was the start of an illustrious career in which John would eventually overshadow Charles.
In 1858 the older Langston was one of a group of men who freed runaway slave John Price from a US Marshal and his assistants in the Oberlin-Wellington Rescue. TheUnderground Railroad hid Price in Oberlin, then helped transport him to Canada and freedom. The daring rescue captured national attention. The president demanded that the rescuers be prosecuted.
A grand jury indicted 37 men (among them 12 free blacks). In response, the state arrested the US Marshal and his team. As a result of negotiations between state and federal officials, only Charles Langston and Simon M. Bushnell, a white man, were tried for their part in subverting the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act. The state released the arresting party and the federal government released 35 men.[5]
Both Bushnell and Langston were tried and convicted by the same all-Democratic white jury, an injustice Langston addressed in his speech to the court. He made a rousing statement of the case for abolition and for justice for "colored men", Langston closed with these words:
The judge gave the men light sentences. Langston and Bushnell sued for a writ of habeas corpus in 1859 in the Ohio Supreme Court, but it ruled against them, with the judge saying he had no choice but to uphold the federal law.


Early in the Civil War in 1862, Langston moved to Leavenworth, Kansas, where he organized a school for contrabands, escaped slaves who had fled to Union lines from Missouri. He taught the children for about three years. In 1863, Langston returned to Ohio and, like his brother John Mercer, helped recruit African Americans for the United States Colored Troops when Ohio raised its first regiment.
By 1865, about 2,455 blacks, nearly one-fifth of those in Kansas, lived in Leavenworth, close to Missouri. In 1865, Langston was appointed general superintendent for refugees and freedmen for the Freedmen's Bureau in Kansas. There were more than 12,000 blacks in Kansas by then.[4][7]
From 1863 to 1870, Langston worked for suffrage for blacks in Kansas and for their right to sit on juries. In 1863, he helped lead a state convention which petitioned the state legislature for suffrage. Despite the efforts of many men, it was not until national passage in 1870 of the Fifteenth Amendment that the Kansas legislature gave blacks the right to vote.[8]
In 1868, Langston moved near Lawrence, Kansas, where he purchased a farm. In 1872, he was appointed as president of Quindaro Freedman's School (later Western University) near Kansas City. Today the historic Quindaro Townsite is part of present-day Kansas City.
Chartered in 1865, Quindaro Freedman's School was the earliest college for blacks established west of the Mississippi. In 1872 the legislature provided for expansion to a four-year normal department, which Langston headed. Enrollment increased and teachers were trained. The next year, however, the state and school ran into severe financial difficulties, and had to reduce programs when the state suffered agricultural losses. Later in the century the college's programs were revived and expanded, including a theological course. By the early 20th century, the university was promoted as a model of musical and industrial education.[9] The college closed later in the 20th century, and no buildings remain.
As the black population increased rapidly in Kansas in the decades after the Civil War, Langston worked to aid the "exodusters" and other early migrants. From 17,108 blacks in Kansas in 1870, the numbers increased to 43,107 in 1880 and 52,003 in 1900. In 1880 Langston was president of a statewide Convention of Colored Men that called on the Refugee Relief Board to use monies and goods donated for the new migrants and settle them on school properties to help them get established.[4]
In Lawrence, Langston also served as associate editor of the Historic Times, a local paper that promoted the cause of equal rights and justice for blacks.[4]

Marriage and family

After his first wife died, in 1869 Langston married the widow Mary Patterson Leary in Oberlin. She had survived Lewis Sheridan Leary, another mixed-race political activist from Oberlin. He had joined John Brown's Raid in 1859 on Harper's Ferry and died of wounds eight days after the attack. Mary brought their daughter Louise to the marriage with Langston.
The Langstons remained in Lawrence, Kansas, for the rest of their lives, moving in 1888 into town, where he had a part-interest in a grocery store. Their children were Nathaniel Turner Langston, named after the man who led a slave rebellion in Virginia; and Caroline Mercer Langston, who married and had a son, Langston Hughes, who became a renowned poet. The Langstons also had a foster son, named Dessalines Langston after a major leader of the Haitian Revolution.[4]

Community involvement

In addition to his political activities, while in Columbus, Ohio, Langston was president of the Colored Benevolent Society, first Worshipful Master of St. Mark's Lodge No. 7.
He also served as Grand Master of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas, and a founder of the Inter-state Library Association. He also was active in an African Methodist Episcopal Church.[4]

Legacy and honors

  • In 1872 the Kansas Republican Party honored Langston by nominating him as one of four electors to cast the state's votes for President Ulysses S. Grant.
  • Historian Richard B. Sheridan wrote of him:
Charles Langston used his time and talents to improve the lives of his fellow African Americans through his leadership in the underground railroad, slave emancipation, education, welfare, politics, fraternal orders, journalism, and other activities. For nearly three decades he had been a leader of the campaigns in Kansas for black suffrage and for blacks’ rights to serve on juries and in the state militia. Moreover, he was a leader in seeking improved social and economic conditions for black citizens.[4]

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