Sunday 11 January 2015


            BLACK        SOCIAL          HISTORY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lassana Bathily: hero of the hostage Porte de Vincennes, honored on the web!

Lassana Bathily : héros de la prise d’otages porte de Vincennes, honoré sur le web !© DR
Very discreet, Lassana Bathily is poised to become a hero. This young employee of the kosher grocery attacked by Amedy Coulibaly Friday, January 9 at Paris, has hidden several customers, as reported BFM TV.
Humanity faces barbarism. After the attack by Kouachi brothers against Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday 7th January and the taking of hostages held by Amedy Coulibaly Friday, January 9 at Paris, the authorities and several celebrities have called for calm. Among themAyem or Diam's asked to remain Vigilant face amalgams, too easy, when terrorists brandishing Islam as a pretext for their folly. Manuel Valls and François Hollande for their part, called for unity of all the French.
Among the horror, a young man is becoming the personification of these ideas. His name Lassana Bathily. It is presented by BFM TV as "Muslim Mali." It is used in kosher grocery attacked on Friday. Through his courage, he helped many clients to hide and surely saved.
According BFMTV Lassana Bathily allegedly helped up to 15 people to take shelter. "When they ran down, (...), I opened the door (from the freezer). There are several people who have returned to me. I turned off the light, I turned off the freezer. (...) When I turned off the cold room, I put in, I closed the door, I told you stay calm there, I'm going out, "he says.
The young man of 24 was then able to leave the store with a lift. Recovered by the police, he was able to give them valuable information about what was happening inside. Very humble, Lassana Bathily explains only at the end of this terrible event that resulted in the death of four innocent customers have come"congratulate me and thank me."
By the end of the assault, many netizens expressed their gratitude to all the security forces deployed on the ground since Wednesday and have done an outstanding job. Since Saturday, January 10, they also pay tribute to the courage of Lassana Bathily. Some even try the hashtag #UneMedaillePourLassana.

Lassana Bathily, Muslim man risks life to save Jewish supermarket hostages

Lassana Bathily
How one fearless young man came to save up to 15 hostages during a siege in Paris this week.
Lassana Bathily a Muslim shop assistant is being hailed a hero after risking his life to hide customers in a Jewish kosher supermarket in Paris whilst all the while texting directives to authorities during a siege involving gunman Amedy Coulibaly.
Since the ordeal, Lassana Bathily, 24, the shop assistant originally from Mali in westAfrica, has been praised in the saving of 15 hostages who he managed to guide to safety in a supermarket chiller.
The siege would ultimately end with Amedy Coulibaly being shot dead along with four workers who had attempted to disarm Coulibaly prior to cop’s arrival.
Told Bathily via BFMTV who is said to have personally escorted six hostages to safety: ‘When they ran down, I opened the door [of the freezer].
‘There are several people who came to me. I turned off the light, I turned off the freezer. When I turned off the cold, I put them [hostages] in, I closed the door, I told them to stay calm.’ 
Using a goods lift he escaped and was able to give the police valuable information about what was happening inside and where the hostages were hiding.
Shy and reluctant to tell his story he admitted that after the shoot-out many of the customers came to shake his hand and thank him for what he did. 
 Today his picture – labelled Malian Muslim – has been tweeted around the world as a symbol of the good of people united against terrorism.  

 ‘A true hero of the hostage crisis in the kosher grocery store yesterday.’
Whilst another commentator would write: ‘Lassana, well done and congratulations, I look forward to hearing from you to newspapers 20:00. You are a hero! You deserve the Medal of Courage AND the Legion of Honour. Sincerely’
Jewish community members have since held a vigil on Saturday for the four victims.
France has western Europe’s largest Jewish and Muslim populations, which have seen increasing tensions in recent months.

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