Saturday 5 January 2013


This are real Images of Black Icons in every works of Back History were the good, the bad, and the ugly are all how cases of what contribution to history, the hidden contribution that you not suppose to know about or allow to find out and share with the Black Word and the world in general. There are moment in history that can only be captured by the good old camera, and some of the personality are every day people who in there time were not afraid to take there word and to fight for the right for the Back Race to be free from Racism, be treated as equally in every respect, as a free man and woman, as a human being, and the right to be educated, to free speech, to own property, acquire wealth and the right to vote.

Some of them fear no foe, they pay the highest price, with there lives, but the courage that some of our Black Brothers and Sisters showed in there own time when every thing that the state can muster against them the stood and face it, challenge it, face it down, beaten, hung, shot, jailed and humiliated in there daily life, the stood up and won in the end.

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