Monday 7 January 2013


It should not come as a surprise that the Slave Trade refine the White Propaganda machine to the very best cutting edge racist and the battle axe of making certain that the people that they are going to enslave and keep down for their labor, free labour, bad treatment, cruel and inhuman treatment must be DE-humanized, and made into a creature that not seen as a race of human being, but as a beast of burden that cannot be an equal to the white race. The advent of Blacks with Chicken and Watermelon  that raised this great propaganda machine that millions of post cards and posters, the great advertising machine that link Black People and even Black Children with Chicken and Watermelon is one of the greatest form of linking Black People in the slave trade days and their fight against Jim Crow Laws.

The question is why so many variety of post cards and posters linking Black People with Watermelon and chicken, even in the 21st century, The President of The United States is no exception to the cruel jokes ans cartoons about Black People with Chicken and Watermelon. I was so shocked that what was happening in the days of the slave trade and the fight against Jim Crow Laws have been put into practice when their is a Black President in the White House. The insults to every Black Person on the planet cant be under estimated and taken lightly, it shows that time has not changed the Racist Propaganda from the same race over a two hundred year plus, they ae still the same.

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