Saturday 29 December 2012


Day to day resistance was the most common form of opposition to slavery, breaking tools, pretending to be ill, staging slow downs and committing acts of arson and sabotage. Runaway was another form of resistance, mostly slaves ran away relatively short distance and weren't trying to permanently escape from slavery. They were temporarily with holding their labor as a form of economic bargaining and negotiation. Slaves would have debates with their masters about their pace of their work, the amount of free time they would enjoy, monetary rewards, access to gardens plots and the freedom to practice burials, marriages,  and religious ceremonies, free from whites.

Some slaves did try to permanently escape slavery and one of the ways they would that  is the slave under ground rail road, the secret were slaves from the southern states would escape their masters plantation to a well organized escape route from the south to the norther free states. Freedom at last.

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