Saturday 9 February 2013


Between 1955 and 1968 many unsung Heroes and Heroes stoop up and said enough is enough, we did not ask to come here from our African Villages, we were uprooted by greedy African Chiefs and Elders to be sold to white slave traders and shipped across the Atlantic to a foreign land to be abused, worked to death, ill treated, given cold food, bad huts with little heating in a God Dam Cold country from the warm African Sun Shine, all because some Greedy monkey who for a few shinning beads, few bottle of Gin, and stupid axes will sell his fellow human being, men, women, children and even babies to be taken to a land of not there fathers.

When the slave trade ended, it was the calling cards for segregation, the bells of hate, state sponsored race hate laws that will tell an other human being were to seat in a bus, cinema, bars, railway stations, parks, the insulting words, White Only,  Colored Only, such insult to me as a human being, as the last time I look when I cut my hand the blood that came out was Red, not blue, not green, but red and the oppressors had the same red blood same s me. That why I will say when people like Rosa Parks, Dr Martin Luther-King Jnr, Malcolm -X, Jessie Jackson and many many heroes, from the old lady to the young children that stood up against water cannons, dogs, state brutality, evil minded racist and millions of mindless Bigots, they change the course of history. To day we still face the same children of these evil chiefs with there evil DNA that has been pass down to there nasty off spring living in Europe and the Americas now playing the reverse race hate in our major cities.

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