Friday 1 March 2013


The Black Panther Party was a progressive political organization that stood in the vanguard of the most powerful movement for social change in America since the revolution of 1776 and the civil war, that dynamic episode generally referred to as the sixties, it is the sole Black Organization in the United States that was armed and promoted a revolutionary agenda, and it represents the last great thrust by the mass Black People for Equality, Justice and Freedom. The Party's ideals and activities were so radical, it was at one time assailed by the FBI  Chief J. Edgar Hoover as  " The Greatest Threat To The Internal Security Of The United States" And despite the demise of the party's its history and lessons remain so challenging and controversial that established texts and media would erase all reference to the party from American History.

The Black Panther Party was the manifestation of the vision of Huey P. Newton, the seventh son of a Louisiana family transplanted to Oakland, California. In October of 1966 in the wake of the assassination of Black Leader Malcolm - X  and on the heels of the massive black urban uprising in Watts, California, Newton, Seale and Hilliard out line the self defense group which became the The Black Panther Party.

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